

并发招生 offers high school students the opportunity to take college-level 课程s for 雪的大学 and high school credit simultaneously, or concurrently. 并发 Enrollment (CE) students register for the class at both the high school and 雪的大学. While students earn high school credit, they also earn 雪的大学 credit which is 记录在永久的大学成绩单上. 通过这个项目,学生们将会 able to enroll in 雪的大学 general education and CTE 课程s offered on their high school campuses during their regular school day.

CE is open to high school students with a minimum of a 3.平均成绩为0“B” 和/或ACT综合成绩达到22分或更高. 根据PG电子官方免费下载的判断,推荐 可能需要高中辅导员的帮助.  学生必须准备好额外的 rigor and work outside of class that is required to be successful in a college-level 课程. Compared to most high school classes, CE 课程s will go into greater depth, 要求更多的工作,提供更大的挑战.

High School students who are not already admitted must first apply to 雪的大学 才能参加CE课程. 申请时要交30美元的申请费 成为PG电子官方免费下载的学生. If you have already taken 雪的大学 classes and have a Badger ID number, you do not need to apply again.

All Utah colleges and universities, including 雪的大学, charge a minimal tuition 行政教育课程每学分收费5元. 查一下你在獾网上的账户 sure you do not owe for tuition which could block you from enrolling in future 课程s. Payments can be made online by logging into Badger Web. 

Talk with your counselor about which 课程s you want to take. 每个高中都选择 which 课程s it wants to make available to its students. 每所高中的辅导员 school will decide which classes to make available based partly upon student interest, so students should discuss and plan with their counselors in which 课程s they may 有兴趣. 每所高中的课程可以提供:

  • 面对面的 一个高中老师 who has the qualifications needed to conduct the 课程 for college credit,
  • 在生活 交互式视频会议(IVC) by a 雪的大学 instructor teaching from Ephraim or Richfield,
  • 作为一个 混合动力 section utilizing recordings of IVC classes in a way that students stay on the same pace during the semester as students participating in the same class live, or
  • 作为在线课程:BUS 1600和NURP 1000 

Note that ENGL 2010 (offered in Spring semester) and GNST 1200 are offered only to seniors who are completing a General Education Certificate of Completion OR an Associate 学位.

混合并行招生(HCE) is an integral part of 雪的大学’s Interactive Video Conference (IVC) program delivered 到犹他州的高中. HCE serves 作为一个 flexible way for some students to participate in CE 课程s which they would not otherwise be able to take because of 调度问题. HCE sections of 课程s are open only to high school juniors 和老年人.

The lectures from every Snow IVC 课程 are recorded. 在HCE课程中,每次录音 will be made available to students enrolled in the 混合动力 section of the class about 讲座结束后一小时. 混合组的学生将有一个 scheduled time at their high schools when they watch the recording before the next 本课程的讲课内容. 通过这种方式,HCE学生将保持最新的 IVC部分正在进行的工作(1).e. 作业将同时交 对于混合学生和IVC学生来说都是如此).

Here are specifics on the way the HCE program will operate:

1.     Students must meet the same qualifications 作为一个ll concurrent enrollment students (3.0 GPA or 22 ACT Composite Score) and must be junior or senior standing. 二年级的学生 不允许参加混合课程.
2.     The student is required to occupy a regular period in his/her high school schedule in order to watch the lecture either on the same day of the lecture (preferred) or 在下一节课开始之前.
3.     Students will be invited to watch and complete a 45-minute 混合动力 Orientation 在参加他们的第一堂混合班之前. 学生将被邀请参加 in the Orientation in Canvas when they are enrolled in a 混合动力 课程.
4.     Students must watch recorded IVC lectures (using headphones) in a regular, designated location in the high school, such 作为一个 computer lab, and at the same time 而且是在每周的同一天. Students cannot plan to watch the recorded lectures at a time outside their normal high school schedule. 当一个学生和辅导员 have a plan how to make an HCE 课程 work in the student's schedule, the counselor 应在网上提交一份由.
5.     In order to provide the student as much flexibility as possible when scheduling the class into his/ her high school day, recorded lectures will normally be available 现场IVC课程结束后一小时. 多个学生参加同一HCE考试 class at a high school do not need to schedule the same period to watch recordings.
6.     The high school is required to designate a monitor to keep track of students viewing the lectures daily and to proctor any exams as needed. 这个显示器会保持 a record of attendance which will be sent to the 课程 instructor and the monitor will be included 作为一个n Observer in the 课程 Canvas to help the student understand 什么作业要交,什么时候交.
7.     Access to the recording will be embedded in Canvas. 为了维持 interactive component of 课程s, professors will normally require Discussion Board posts during or after each lecture to ensure engagement and understanding of lecture 主题. 
8.     HCE section assignments will have the same due dates and times as the live 录制讲座的IVC部分. 作业提交将正常 由帆布制成.
9.     Students are encouraged to take classes face-to-face at their high schools 或尽可能超过IVC. HCE is the third-best alternative and should be used ONLY when a student is unable to schedule the 课程 face-to-face or on IVC. 因为 HCE 课程s should be a last resort for students to take a class, 混合动力 课程s are 只对高中三年级和四年级学生开放. HCE课程将保持同样的节奏, rigor, interactivity and integrity as the 课程 delivered 在生活 IVC broadcasts.